Pseudocode provides an informal series of notations that describe ideas and operations. It is a high-level, loosely structured syntax intended to be intuitive for humans.
No broad or universal standard exists, but regardless of form, it’s intent is the same: to communicate the core structure of Algorithms at a higher level than a machine-readable implementation.
While a lot of syntax may use natural languages, some succinctness may be achieved through limited mathematical notation.
Operation | Symbol |
assignment | ← or := |
comparison | = , ≠ , < , > , ≤ , ≥ |
arithmetic | + , − , × / , mod |
floor/ceiling | ⌊...⌋ , ⌈...⌉ |
logical | AND , OR , NOT |
sums, products | Σ , Π |
As a set of personal conventions for these notes:
to differentiate from more literate text.An example expression of Insertion sort may appear as below:
INPUT: a₁, a₂, ..., aₙ as A
FOR i ← 2 to n
j ← i
WHILE j > 1 AND A[j-1] > A[j]
swap A[j] and A[j-1]
j ← j - 1