A fast, simple PRNG for modern processors.
Pars is a library for building monadic parser combinators in crystal-lang.
It works with minimal object allocation to extract domain-specific representation from String
or Bytes
A set of composable tools for building queries in the Power Query Formula Language (“M”), used by Microsoft Power BI.
Reverse engineering of, and associated decoder for Zero Motorcycles onboard logging. Built in anger to enable self servicing and diagnostics.
Distributed tracing for systems written in crystal-lang. Injects correlation ID’s that propogate across fibers and service boundaries.
Probabilistic data structures for good-ish computation.
NixOS tooling for immutable media endpoints. Supports a declarative configuration for rendering to multiple displays with an arbitrary physical layout.
Crystal implementation of GraphBLAS. Provides an abstract algebra for working with graphs as sparse matrices.
A std lib for AMX NetLinx control systems.
A collection of classes, modules, macros and standard library extensions to simplify common tasks in crystal-lang.
A tiny CLI toolkit for building terminal apps for humans.
Type-safe abstract matrices for crystal-lang.
An analysis tool for Ruby MRI heap dumps.